Ministry Leader Breakfast
Please consider signing up for our Ministry Leader Breakfast. This is the first step in helping churches and sports ministry ambassadors mobilize the Great Commission at their church and college campus. At the Ministry Leader Breakfast we bring ministry leaders together for a breakfast to build unity among the Church body and to also show pastors, priests, and ministry leaders how they can implement an effective sports ministry at their church or college campus so that they in turn, can build disciples and mobilize people to outreach to their community to share the love and Good News of Jesus Christ through sports. Sports is one of the greatest outreach tools available to the Church today to reach people for Christ. Please click on the Contact Us Button below to request more details regarding our next Ministry Leader Breakfast.
Please consider signing up for our Ministry Leader Breakfast. This is the first step in helping churches and sports ministry ambassadors mobilize the Great Commission at their church and college campus. At the Ministry Leader Breakfast we bring ministry leaders together for a breakfast to build unity among the Church body and to also show pastors, priests, and ministry leaders how they can implement an effective sports ministry at their church or college campus so that they in turn, can build disciples and mobilize people to outreach to their community to share the love and Good News of Jesus Christ through sports. Sports is one of the greatest outreach tools available to the Church today to reach people for Christ. Please click on the Contact Us Button below to request more details regarding our next Ministry Leader Breakfast.
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:17 NIV